The Lowell Public Art Collection

Despite this morning’s snow, all indications are that spring is just around the corner. Once the nice weather arrives, you might want to check out Lowell’s Public Art Collection which is scattered throughout downtown. It’s fitting that a city with the motto “Art is the Handmaid of Human Good” have…

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Coffee House Culture

Coffee is my beverage of choice. I drink it black with no sugar, a habit I picked up in the army decades ago. At home, I make do with Maxwell House French Roast brewed in a Black and Decker single cup device, but the end product there lags far behind…

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More Snow

Snowing. It is snowing. It’s snowing. I don’t have to say, “It’s snowing out,” because it snows out, not in. You’d never say, “It’s snowing in.” The snow snows like the rain rains. Snowing means snowflakes falling. Have you ever seen or heard those many words for “snow” that Eskimos are…

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Hockey Talk

When the pee-wee hockey players poured onto the ice after the first period at the Tsongas Center last night, they looked like bees swarming the face-off circle. There must have been 12 on each side, which made it tough to eject the puck from the scrum that shifted from one…

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Twitter: why you should try it out

Thanks to Cliff Krieger for doing a post about Twitter. Since Cliff mentions me as one who tweets, my intended comment grew into a post of its own: As I said in a comment to Paul’s recent post about blogging, history teaches us that new technology becomes available to us…

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