The Future of Lowell’s Superior Courthouse

Yesterday’s Lowell Sun editorial reminds us that with the new judicial center on schedule, the current superior courthouse, located at 360 Gorham Street near the end of the Lowell Connector, will eventually be vacated. The state has invested substantial amounts of money in the building over the past decade, replacing…

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Moses Greeley Parker & telephone numbers

In her post earlier today about Alexander Graham Bell and the invention of the telephone, Marie mentioned that Bell’s good friend (and telephone company investor) Dr Moses Greeley Parker is credited with being the inventor of the telephone numbers. The photo above is of Parker’s mausoleum at the Lowell Cemetery…

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Romney Health Care Issue

Fox’s Chris Wallace did the interview below almost exactly one year ago (March 2010. Here he questions former Governor Mitt Romney on Massachusetts Health Care reform…considering Romney was in NH over the weekend (March 2011) and still feels the need to address health care is a sure sign the presidential…

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