Ben Butler saves Washington DC

Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday’s lecture on “Lowell and the Coming of the Civil War.” While the riot in Baltimore on April 19, 1861 which cost the lives of Luther Ladd, Addison Whitney, Charles Taylor and Sumner Needham and left two dozen of their comrades in the Sixth Massachusetts…

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UMass Lowell Robotics Lab

The UMass Lowell Robotics Department created this video. It demonstrates a drone guided by a DREAM Controller. What’s a DREAM Controller? More explanation below. This AR Drone is flown using the Dynamically Resizing Ergonomic and Multi-touch (DREAM) controller on the Microsoft Surface. The DREAM controller spawns when one or both…

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The Wild Bull of the Pampas

Someone who recently visited Buenos Aires sent me this photo of the burial place of the famed boxer Luis Angel Firpo in La Recoleta Cemetery. Firpo is perhaps most famous for his 1923 fight against Jack Dempsey in which he knocked Dempsey out of the ring. Dempsey returned just in…

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