Kenngott on French-Canadians, c.1912

Another excerpt from “The Record of a City: A Social Survey of Lowell Massachusetts”, written by George F. Kenngott in 1912 (p.29). Shortly after the close of the Civil War, the French-Canadians came in ever increasing numbers, induced by the demand for labor which the growth of manufactures created, and…

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BeatleJuice Dance Party at LMA Last Night

The folks at Middlesex Community College threw a party for more than 500 people at Lowell Memorial Auditorium last night with the best music that could be ordered up, All-Beatles-All-the-Time. On stage was the top Beatles tribute band in this part of the country, Beatlejuice, whose players served up note-perfect versions…

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Spring Snow on the way

The crocuses poking up in my front yard must have missed the latest forecast, otherwise they would have stayed below ground. Hoping that the prediction of snow was just an April Fool’s joke, I clicked through the TV dial to survey several weather forecasts: Channel 5 puts Lowell on the…

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