Lowell’s 175th Anniversary

Lowell came into existence as a town in 1826 but was incorporated as a city, the third in Massachusetts, in 1836. That makes 2011 the city’s 175th birthday. The party will be held this coming Monday, April 11, 2011, the actual anniversary. Festivities will kick off at 4:20 pm with…

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Future use of Superior Courthouse

Top officials of the Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM), the state agency responsible for all state-owned buildings, traveled to Lowell yesterday at the invitation of the city’s state house delegation to discuss the future of the Middlesex Superior Courthouse on Gorham Street once the new Judicial Center is completed.…

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Giving 17 year olds the right to vote

“Just wondering if you’d be interested in tagging along to the statehouse on April 13th to attend he Joint Committee on Election Laws’ public hearing on the teen-led initiative to Lower the Voting Age to 17 in Lowell’s muni elections.” Above is a message I received from a proponent of…

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