From Desert One to Abbottabad

On April 24, 1980, the world awoke to news that the a rescue mission launched by the United States to retrieve its Iranian Embassy personnel who were being held hostage in Tehran had ended in a deadly failure. While at an intermediate position known as Desert One, a series of…

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“Meanderings” by Jim Peters

Frequent contributor Jim Peters shared some thoughts with us over the weekend: I have been reading a bit of Robert Burns, the Scottish poet, and I really enjoy reading a poem he dedicated to a louse on a lady’s bonnet at church. He uses most of the poem to describe…

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Lowell Sustainability Photo Contest

What part of Lowell do you want to pass on to future generations? That’s the question that the city’s just-announced photo contest asks: Nearly ten years ago, the City of Lowell created a citywide Master Plan, thereby establishing a shared and comprehensive framework for long range development. This year the…

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