I recently asked Justin Kwan, the founder of the new Lowell-based website culturehive.com to send a post introducing himself and his website: When I moved to the Lowell area four years ago, I was first introduced to the art scene from a post about the Urban Village Art Series that…
As a 1986 graduate of Suffolk University Law School, this is my 25th reunion year. That plus a unique and complex chain of events led to me serving as the Marshal of today’s Suffolk Law School graduation at the Boston Convention Center. My duties involved leading the procession of graduates,…
MassMoments reminds us that on this day May 22, 1856, Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts was viciously attacked on the floor of the United States – beaten with a cane by Preston Brooks, a Congressman from South Carolina. The issue – the language used by Sumner in a passionate anti-slavery…
Admittedly, I was a bit nervous about my recent phone conversation with Lowell SUN reporter Joyce Tsai. She or her editor had read my early April blog post about construction activity in my North Tewksbury neighborhood. My views have been sought over the years about politics, local history and my…
A group led by former State Senator Steve Panagiotakos and Trinity EMS co-founder John Chemaly gathered yesterday at the UMass Lowell Inn & Conference Center for a rally to keep the Fifth Congressional District intact in the upcoming redistricting process. With Congressional redistricting following close behind the every-ten-year Federal census,…
I don’t know if it is because we endured such a harsh winter this year, but the spring season seems like it has come to us in high-definition. I’ve read the media coverage about the mother-of-all-allergy-seasons and the double deluxe blooming in the woods and fields. That’s part of the overall…
I don’t think of NYTimes columnist Maureen Dowd as a sentimental person, at least not from her opinion pieces, but in her latest op-ed column she gets a little misty in between her wise-gal lines as she writes about the Irish embrace of both Queen Elizabeth II and President Obama.…
You Can’t Go Home Again, But Your Old Car Can I left my old home town for good nearly 25 years ago, after spending a rich early career helping to rebuild its historic structures and fading reputation. And, although I have few opportunities to walk her streets or visit old…
One of our far-flung correspondents, Ray LaPorte of Lowell and beyond, sent this phone-cam picture of a Kerouac souvenir t-shirt in a shop window in Vineyard Haven on “the Island” in the Atlantic.
In the mid-1960’s there was a boomlet of interest in Unidentified Flying Objects, yes, those pesky UFO’s. In my semi-rural suburban neighborhood in Dracut there was a phase one summer when some people stood on their porches and in the backyards and looked up at the star-packed sky. They were…