Japan wins World Cup

For the first 30 minutes of yesterday’s World Cup finale, the American team unleashed an offensive blitzkrieg that left the announcers speculating about it being a “statement game” by the US – except they didn’t score any goals. After the initial half hour flurry, the teams settled down into a…

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UK Newspaper Scandal

Today’s New York Times article on the ever-expanding scandal that has engulfed Rupert Murdoch’s UK newspapers , Scotland Yard and perhaps even Prime Minister David Cameron reads like a script from the old BBC police drama, Prime Suspect. Televised periodically in the US from its 1991 debut until its 2006…

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Summer Musings

1. It’s not light reading, but the Vietnam War novel “Matterhorn” by Karl Marlentes  has been good reading for long sunny weekend sessions in the backyard for the past couple of weeks. I had a difficult time climbing the front half of the Matterhorn narrative, so to speak, so I skimmed and…

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