Herman Cain Croons for Pizza

This video has gone viral as Herman Cain rises to the top in the GOP race for president. To put this video in perspective, Herman Cain is the former CEO and Chairman of the Board of Godfather’s Pizza. In fairness to the presidential candidate this event took place twenty years…

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In the Merrimack Valley: GOP Face-off in Redesigned Rep Districts

 Lawrence Area of Redistricting Map The Eagle-Tribune is reporting that the proposed redistricting of  Merrimack Valley House of Representative districts would – among other things – pit two GOP incumbent freshman representatives against each other. Two Republicans from Andover would be the combatants. Two precincts in the North Tewksbury area…

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The Middlesex Canal

The following is the second in my series of posts about the canals of Lowell. The first described the Pawtucket Canal. The Proprietors of Middlesex Canal received its charter as a Massachusetts corporation on June 22, 1793, just a year after the incorporation of the group that would build the…

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