Merrimack Canal

This is the third in a series of posts about Lowell’s canals. The first was on the Pawtucket Canal and the second on the Middlesex Canal. Links to all can be found on our “History” page (see link along upper right corner of your screen). Today’s topic is the Merrimack…

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Milbank: “No Enthusiasm Gap for Elizabeth Warren”

In today’s Washington Post opinion writer Dana Milbank queries: “What was that about a Democratic ‘enthusiasm gap‘?”  (harkening back to a WaPo column by colleague Chris Cillizza) Reporting from Springfield, Massachusetts and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union hall when supporter gathered for a meeting – Milbank found enthusiasm abounds.…

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Doherty Ad is Unique

Yesterday morning while driving to work I was listening to WCAP radio. I heard three political advertisements almost back to back. School Committeewoman Jackie Doherty’s Ad stood out. I found it unique and creative…and this woman has a beautiful voice. The WCAP Ad I heard was created from the audio…

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