Save the Notebooks

The argument for saving primary materials such as notebooks is strengthened by recent news that an old notebook in the archives of Choate prep school confirms the source for what may be the most famous quotation associated with President John F. Kennedy. Associated Press reporter Michael Melia in a…

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‘My Back Pages’: Paulson on Income Inequality

In the category of “The More Things Change”—While cleaning in the home office last weekend, I found a batch of old news clippings, including one from the Christian Science Monitor of August 3, 2006. In his first big speech, Bush administration Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson listed growing income inequality as one…

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Pres. Obama Announces New National Park at Fort Monroe, Praises Civil War Gen. Benjamin Butler of Lowell

Lowell National Historical Park Supt. Michael Creasey and Asst. Supt. Peter Aucella have both called attention to the President Obama’s announcement of the newest National Park at Fort Monroe in Virginia, which mentions the historic decision by Lowell’s own General Benjamin F.  Butler to declare Southern slaves as contraband of war…

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