All in the family: Can Sleazy Aunt Betty and Crooked Brother-in-law Bob wreck a political career? by Marjorie Arons-Barron

The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. Life is complicated, and family relationships make it all the more so, especially if you’re in the business of politics. The impact goes both ways, from long-suffering spouses standing bravely by a pol who has done wrong, to…

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Lowell Historic Board Winter 2012 Newsletter Just Published!

Lots of really good and interesting information here in the just published Lowell Historic Board Newsletter. Articles include an installment in an ongoing series written by LHB Administrator Steve Stowell about Lowell building architecture; Assistant Administrator Kim Zunino’s look at “neon” signage in the downtown as well as some great vintage…

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South Common Sketch

Two guys cross the playing field in the half-dark, heading for the train station. Bishop Markham Village glows amber from the night-lights on South Street, and there’s nothing moving on Summer Street, where the houses face the park like homesteads on the edge of their fields. The big tree-less bowl and floor…

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