Bread & Roses Centennial (1912-2012) on Facebook and Web

Congratulations to the Bread & Roses Centennial committee in Lawrence for a massive success in the use of social media. On Facebook, the organization’s page has 1,081 followers (LIKES), which is an extraordinary number for a local history initiative. This is not Ashton Kutcher in Hollywood, but all the folks working…

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Chelmsford Country Fair

The weather last night was perfect for Chelmsford’s pre-4th of July Country Fair. At least one hundred organizations it seemed staffed booths erected around the perimeter of the town common to promote their organizations and raise funds. With music from the band concert softly emanating from the center of the…

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Happy Independence Day ~ July 4, 2012

On this day July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress – meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring the freedom of the 13 colonies from Great Britain and its king. Written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration is a formal explanation of why Congress had voted on July…

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Obama is Big in Kennebunkport

No, that’s not really him, rather the picture above is a full size cut-out of President Barack Obama outside the Democratic Headquarters in Kennebunkport Maine.  Let me tell you, Kennebunkport may be the summer residence of the the Bushs’ but the Democratic Town Committee in KBP is gearing up big…

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Edith Nourse Rogers Day ceremony

Yesterday (June 30, 2012) was Edith Nourse Rogers Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts per order of Governor Deval Patrick. In honor of the former Congresswoman from the Fifth Congressional District, a small ceremony was held at the Allen House of UMass Lowell where a proclamation from the governor was…

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