Let’s chuck the Cherokee fixation and deal with today’s challenges by Marjorie Arons-Barron

The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. You can find Marjorie’s blog at http://marjoriearonsbarron.com/ The Boston Herald drumbeating investigation of  Elizabeth Warren’s claim to having Cherokee blood keeps on.   In yesterday’s installment,  the paper published excerpts from a 1984 cookbook called Pow Wow Chow, edited…

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Now Blooming at the South Common

The low-rise roses blooming at the South Common along the new sidewalk on Thorndike Street are the Frau Dagmar Hartopp (or Fru Dagmar Hastrup) variety of rugosa roses that produce very fragrant silvery pink flowers on a rugged bright green shrub. The plant was “discovered” by Mr Hastrup of Denmark and named…

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“Tweet the Beat”

The Globe today reports on the Boston Police Department’s strategy of (1) greatly increasing the number of officers walking neighborhood beats in the city; and (2) how the department is employing Twitter in conjunction with those officers on foot. For now, individual officers do not have Twitter “handles”, but supervisors…

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Stephen King to Speak at UMass Lowell in December

From UMass Lowell Public Affairs Office Contacts:    Christine Gillette, 978-934-2209 or Christine_Gillette@uml.edu; Nancy Cicco, 978-934-4944 or Nancy_Cicco@uml.edu Stephen King to Speak at UMass Lowell Legendary Author to Make Rare Personal Appearance at Event for Public, Campus LOWELL, Mass. – Stephen King’s words on page and screen have thrilled and chilled…

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