Ernest Borgnine, RIP

[youtube]UhhsVZozmF0[/youtube] Actor Ernest Borgnine died on Sunday at age 95. His obituary in the New York Times thoroughly reviews his career and the many movie roles he played. To me, however, he will always be Lt Cdr Quinton McHale, the skipper of PT-73. What was it about the early 1960s…

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Meanderings by Jim Peters

Jim Peters shares another of his essays: I have cancer. No big deal, just late-in-life non-Hodgekins lymphoma. I have basically tried to the best of my limited ability to keep it a secret because it has no bearing on my ability to do my job, or my relationships, or really…

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Bread & Roses Centennial (1912-2012) on Facebook and Web

Congratulations to the Bread & Roses Centennial committee in Lawrence for a massive success in the use of social media. On Facebook, the organization’s page has 1,081 followers (LIKES), which is an extraordinary number for a local history initiative. This is not Ashton Kutcher in Hollywood, but all the folks working…

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