Antiques Roadshow Has a Boston Episode – The Lowell Connection

Today’s Boston Globe has a story about PBS’s Antiques Roadshow and the Boston episode which features – among other finds – a painting hanging in the city of Boston’s Parkman House.  A photo accompanying the article shows Mayor Tom Menino, the quite familiar Skinner appraiser Colleene Fesko and an Aldro Hibbard painting of a snowy…

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A Look Back: Massachusetts Democratic Convention of 1966

There was a lot of speculation in certain media circles this week about possible bullying and arm-twisting of delegates at last week’s Massachusetts Democratic convention. Amid my recent researching pursuits, I came across a reminder of another Mass Dems convention that shows what old-fashioned politicking is all about. Media reports from June…

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The Presidential Penchant for Golf

 President Woodrow Wilson, the 28th U.S. president, is shown playing golf in 1916. He played more golf than any other president, before or since. With the comments from some quarters about the time President Obama spends playing golf,  I thought a comparison was in order. After a bit of research I found…

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Usually I save my poetry postings for Facebook. But the beauty of this day brings me to this verse. An excerpt from the Prelude to “A Vision of Sir Launfal” by James Russell Lowell: And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days;…

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