Book signing on April 6

On Saturday, April 6, 2013 at 11:00 A.M., the Lowell Historical Society will host a book signing event for Legendary Locals of Lowell, the new book I co-wrote with Mike Rosenberg. The event will take place at Lowell Telecommunications Corporation which is at 246 Market Street. The entrance to LTC…

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[youtube]w918Eh3fij0[/youtube] I finally got to see the movie Argo, winner of the 2012 Academy Award for best film. The movie is based on a little-known success in the otherwise disastrous 1979 seizure of the US Embassy in Tehran by Iranian militants. Six Americans slipped out of the embassy while it…

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from ‘Easter’ by Galway Kinnell

. Easter . To get to church you have to cross the river, First breadwinner for the town, its wide Mud-colored currents cleansing forever The swill-making villages at its side. The disinfected voice of the minister For a moment is one of the clues, But he is talking of nothing…

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