In Greater Lowell and in Massachusetts ~ Sequestration – the Local Impact

The hot topic nationally and locally is the issue of sequestration – its reach and fall-out. Many pundits and editorial writers have weighed-in on its perceived realities and the politics swirling around the issue. The Executive Director of Community Teamwork – Karen Frederick and CTI’s Director of Planning – Cheryl…

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Kerouac Tours by LCK! in May

Kerouac Park tour group; web photo courtesy of Kerouac birthplace tour group; web photo courtesy of JACK KEROUAC’S LOWELL TOUR SERIES KICKS OFF ON MAY 4 Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! experts on great American writer Jack Kerouac’s youth in Lowell and his Lowell novels will lead a monthly series…

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True Story Theatre at Arts League of Lowell

True Story Theater Performs in Lowell Saturday, May 18, 7:30-9:30 p.m. in the new ALL Arts Center, 307 Market St. Free public event Calling artists, activists, nonprofit & community leaders. All are welcome! Please join a unique interactive performance and a dialogue on: How do we grow stronger partnerships between artists, activists, and civic organizations in our community? See…

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Spring Blossoms

Each spring, I am prompted to give thanks to the many residents, business owners, City of Lowell workers, and others who through the generations have planted the flowering trees and bushes arrayed around the city. The landscape is bursting with color this week.

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It’s That time! Celebrate Historic Preservation with Doors Open Lowell~ May 16-18!

It’s National Historic Preservation Month! In Lowell historic preservation is celebrated from May 16-18 beginning with a reception and preservation awards ceremony on May 16 followed by the opportunity to peek inside some very special buildings on May 17-18. “Doors Open Lowell” offers an insider’s look into the preservation of…

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