Lowell Real Estate Review

There were a couple of notable events in the Lowell real estate world yesterday. First, the apartment building complex known as Cabot Crossing on Bowden Street in Swede Village/South Lowell sold for $20,250,000. Second, the city of Lowell recorded 227 tax takings for unpaid FY2012 property taxes. In the past,…

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African Festival this Saturday

This coming Saturday (June 15, 2013) is the 13th annual Lowell African Festival. Events begin at 11 a.m. at the Sampas Pavilion on the banks of the Merrimack River and continues until 7 p.m. Those eight hours will feature food, culture and entertainment. The world’s second largest and second most…

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Tebow-time comes to New England

The Bruins open the Stanley Cup finals against the Chicago Blackhawks tonight and the Red Sox linger precariously in first place in the American League East, yet when you view Boston media sports coverage over the past 48 hours, the dominant story is of the Patriots signing a third string…

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