Lowell Week in Review, March 30, 2014

The City Council interviews of the five finalists for the position of Lowell City Manager dominated politics in the city this week. I watched all five interviews and thought the interview process went pretty well. The council was fortunate to schedule only two interviews per day because sitting through nearly…

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Lowell Festival ’81

  Click on the Schedule of Events to see the array of activities. That’s the “old” Lowell Plan Inc. logo on the bottom left. This is pre-Lowell Folk Festival, when the national park was three years old. Note the trolley: that’s “The Whistler”  — and maybe George Price of the…

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Reminder! “Crime and Punishment in 19th C Lowell” tomorrow! Saturday March 29th at the PML

Reminder that the Lowell Historical Society/Walter Hickey program on “Crime and Punishment in 19th Century Lowell” happens tomorrow – Saturday March 29, 2014…here are the details… Saturday, March 29, 2014 at 1pm – Lowell Historical Society Program “Crime and Punishment in 19th Century Lowell” by Walter Hickey at Pollard Library Meeting…

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Interview of Kevin Murphy

March 27, 2014 Kevin Murphy interview Opening Statement: Loves the city. It’s his home. He’s lived here his entire life. I’m the parent of a child who received a world-class education in the Lowell public schools. We have a shared destiny. A city where people can find jobs or start…

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Interview of Greg Balukonis

March 27, 2014 Greg Balukonis interview Opening Statement: Lives in Shrewsbury. He’s in the business of city manager. Is not a politician; not in the private sector; not an academic; is in local government. That’s his strength but he knows the job is more than sitting behind the desk and…

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George Ramirez interview

March 26, 2014 George Ramirez opening statement Begins by reminiscing about his time on the council eight years ago. He applied for several reasons. Lowell is special to him. 40 years ago Lowell welcomed him and his family from Columbia. Went to school, married and has lived here ever since.…

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Interview of Daniel Keyes

March 26, 2014 Opening Statement: It’s a great honor to be here. When I arrived in Blackstone there was no economic development plan. Created a program of economic development [he’s reading his statement]. Brought in Northeastern University school of engineering to assist in development of downtown. Has extensive experience in…

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More on downtown parking

The issue of parking in downtown Lowell is getting some attention. It was discussed at last week’s economic development subcommittee and downtown resident Corey Sciuto posted a letter he sent to councilors on the issue on his own blog. This morning I found a lengthy comment from a regular reader…

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