Culture & Community

 “The most important thing a museum creates is an audience.”—Matthew Teitelbaum The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston has a new director coming, Matthew Teitelbaum. Read about him and the cultural institution he led for 17 years, the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), where he has shaped inspiring programs, exhibitions,…

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Lowell Week in Review: May 3, 2016

Marty Meehan to Lead Entire UMass System In a week filled with major national news, the big story locally was the unanimous selection of UMass Lowell Chancellor Marty Meehan to be the President of the entire University of Massachusetts system.  Anyone living in Lowell can attest that many good things…

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Lowell City Council meeting: April 28, 2015

Lowell City Council Meeting: April 28, 2015 Councilors Martin and Mercier absent. Greg Croteau of UTEC addresses the council (after having spoken earlier at the Youth Subcommittee Meeting).  Gives information about UTEC’s accomplishments such as only 15% of their clients being re-arrested when the statewide average is 60% re-arrests.  He…

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Normalizing U.S./Cuban relations a mix of nitty-gritty and key principles by Marjorie Arons-Barron

The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. I just returned from State Department briefings for editorialists from across the country and posted the following to the website of the Association of Opinion Journalists, just one of several key issues covered in Monday’s day-long sessions. The announcement…

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Smith Baker Center Community Meeting

On Tuesday night more than 80 people gathered at the Lowell Senior Center for a community meeting to discuss the future of the Smith Baker Center.  The meeting was organized by the Coalition for a Better Acre and the public forum was facilitated by UMass Lowell’s John Wooding. Yun-Ju Choi,…

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Lowell’s Nelson Mandela Overlook

The Africa America Alliance, Inc., an organization “dedicated to the pursuit of human rights and equality for all,” held an inaugural breakfast event for its proposed Nelson Mandela Overlook yesterday at the Paul E. Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell.  According to the AAA, Lowell is a fitting site for this…

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Smith Baker meeting tomorrow night

Please try to attend the community meeting tomorrow night about the future of the Smith Baker Center.  Organized by the Coalition for a Better Acre, the meeting will be held at the Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway, from 530pm until 730pm.  There is a Facebook event for the meeting but…

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A Visit to Nashville

Back when we still had snow measured in feet rather than in memories, I felt the need to go somewhere south of here.  For reasons I won’t get into, Florida wasn’t an option and we’d already been to Charleston and Savannah.  Once I discovered that Southwest flew direct from Boston…

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