Pirate on South Street

On South Street today, I saw a guy about 25 years old with a shaved head, tattoos, earring, shirt with no collar, pants that were three-quarter length, no socks, and sneakers. He was talking on his phone. Walking toward the South Common. And I realized what I was seeing. The…

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Lowell Week in Review: June 28, 2015

Two weeks ago saw three different million dollar plus real estate deals in Lowell (Markley Group/Prince Spaghetti; Lowell Community Charter Public School/Mill No. 5; UTEC/Central, Prescott & Warren Streets).  This week there was one deal of that scale: an apartment building at the corner of Stevens Street and Princeton Boulevard…

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An Amazing Week

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” —Martin Luther King Jr. Usually I don’t use this space to comment on national issues but I believe that history will record this week to be a momentous one in our nation’s story.  That demands comment. Confederate…

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Lowell Walks tomorrow – Literary Lowell

  Tomorrow morning at 10 am the fourth edition of Lowell Walks will kick off from the National Park Visitor Center at 246 Market Street.  The tour is Literary Lowell and the Pollard Memorial Library.  It will be led by Sean Thibodeau, the library’s Coordinator of Community Planning.  The tour…

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The Community Psychologists Are Here !

If you are downtown in the next three days and want to talk to an expert about community empowerment, grassroots organizing, neighborhood dynamics, coalition building, and all the good things that make for a competent, healthy, and just society where you live, just look for one of the 660 community…

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Lowell City Council meeting: June 23, 2015

(transcribed on Thursday, June 25, 2015) “Day Program” at Transitional Living Center Director of Lowell Transitional Living Center (“the Shelter”) speaks to council about its day program which will begin in July.  In the past, residents of the shelter had to leave during the day and return at night to…

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