Yesterday was a good day for incumbents in Lowell. Every one of them who was on the ballot for reelection was successful. I’m not sure anyone was surprised by that although some, especially the council challengers and their closest supporters, may have hoped otherwise. Of the 59,265 people registered to…
Here are the unofficial totals for this year’s city election, direct from City Hall: City Council 1. Rita Mercier – 6228 2. Rodney Elliott – 5420 3. Edward Kennedy – 4797 4. John Leahy – 4566 5. Bill Samaras – 4540 6. Jim Milinazzo – 4434 7. Dan Rourke –…
(Election night, so a quick agenda). Accept donation of $5000 for fire department for personal equipment for new fire fighters to be hired over the winter. Motion by Councilor Leahy to better coordinate traffic flow around the VFW Highway-Bridge Street construction project which is about to halt for the winter.…
Polls open at 7 am and remain open until 8 pm. Check back here later tonight for election results. Here are the results from the September 29, 2015 preliminary election: Rita Mercier – 2129 Rodney Elliott – 1778 John Leahy – 1678 Dan Rourke – 1669 Jim Milinazzo – 1562…
Lord Overpass Walk Thanks to the 75 people who participated in yesterday’s Lord Overpass Walk, especially Councilor Jim Milinazzo who joined in the entire 90-minute walk, and Councilor Ed Kennedy and State Representative Rady Mom who caught up to us at different points on the walk. Again and again, those…
On Monday, November 16, 2015 at 6 pm at the Lowell Senior Center, the city’s Department of Planning and Development and the civil engineers hired to redesign the Lord Overpass will hold a public meeting at which residents will have an opportunity to share their ideas about the project. In…
I was eight years old when the Mets started playing baseball in New York City. I was a Red Sox fan already, but grabbed onto this novelty of a team that, like the 1960s themselves and the Project Mercury astronauts, signaled the future to me. The Red Sox were my father’s…
This past Wednesday night, October 27, 2015, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation hosted a “Capital Conversation” at Middlesex Community College in Lowell. The purpose of this and fifteen other sessions around the Commonwealth is to give the public a say in the development of massDOT’s Capital Improvement Plan for fiscal…
The following real estate sales occurred this week in Lowell. Sales are followed by foreclosure auction legal notices that appeared in the Lowell Sun this week. October 26, 2015 – Monday 40 Livingston Ave for $280,000. Prior sale in 2010 for $229,000 163 Crosby St for $95,000. Prior sale in…
“All Hallows Eve” has always been an interesting time for me because of its roots in Irish myth, mystery and history and it’s the eve of my birthday! Of late, the celebration of Halloween has seemed as much a time for adult activity, parties and “fancy dress” as it is for…