Lowell Year in Review: 2015

Rather than a week in review, today we have a year in review. Here are some of the memorable events from 2015. Snow – The record amount of snow that fell in January and February was the biggest story of the year. For the winter of 2014-15, Lowell received 111…

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I saw the new Star Wars movie yesterday at the Lowell Cinema. The Force Awakens is a very good movie, well worth seeing. This is the seventh movie in the Star Wars series although you don’t need to know that to enjoy this film. If you are old enough to…

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UMass Lowell Statement on Donald Trump Event

UMass Lowell Chancellor Jacquie Moloney released the following statement today regarding the January 4, 2016 event for Donald Trump at the University’s Tsongas Center. The Tsongas Center’s professional management company has rented the facility to the Donald Trump campaign for an event on Monday, Jan. 4. The university is not…

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Leftovers: December 28, 2015

Some items left over from last week . . . Lowell Cinema viewing experience At least some of the theaters at the Lowell Cinema (near Industrial Ave and Cross Point) have been reconfigured. The rows of lightly-padded stadium style seats have been replaced by widely-spaced, thickly padded recliners. Because there…

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Lowell Week in Review: December 27, 2015

Lowell as a Regional Christmas Attraction Kevin Harkins did an outstanding job capturing the allure of the mammoth Christmas tree smokestack at the Wannalancit Mills on his Harkins Photo Blog. John Power, a principal of Farley White Interests, the outfit that owns the Wannalancit Mills, had hoped to persuade others…

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