Amazing Vision for a New Lord Overpass

The city’s planning department hit a home run—make that a grand slam—with a radical new concept for the Lord Overpass, unveiled tonight at a public meeting at the Lowell Senior Center. City Manager Kevin Murphy opened the program by saying he felt a little like William Shatner because we were…

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Lowell Week in Review: March 27, 2016

Lord Overpass Public Meeting Tomorrow night at 6 pm at the Senior Center at 276 Broadway, the city will hold its second public meeting on the Lord Overpass renovation project. Here’s the notice about the meeting from the city’s Department of Planning & Development: The City of Lowell is planning…

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Lowell City Council Meeting: March 22, 2016

Motion Responses: Intersection of Princeton Blv and Baldwin St – it’s a state responsibility; the state had no plans to do anything, so the city’s inquiry has prompted them to look at ways to improve it. Councilor Mercier asks about the property at that corner. Manager Murphy says he met…

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Neighborhood meeting on Wellman St project

The Highlands Neighborhood Association will host a meeting on Monday, March 28th, 2016 at 7:00pm at 59 Lowe’s Way – 2nd Floor. The purpose of this meeting is to review a proposal by Connector Park Equity Partners LLC to construct 240 apartments with 498 parking spaces in an attached garage…

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