Lowell Week in Review: October 9, 2016

Charter School Cost to Lowell A few weeks ago, Mayor Ed Kennedy requested the City Auditor provide an analysis of the financial impact of Charter Schools on the city. This week’s City Council packet contains that report. It explains that the state charges Lowell based on a complex formula for…

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Trump, Clinton “revelations” show nothing new by Marjorie Arons-Barron

The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. Last night’s video of Donald Trump, showing lewd behavior, coarse language, gutter-level attitude toward women and boasts of Bill Cosby-like predatory actions, shows nothing new about this extreme misogynist. Perhaps the video shocks because it so starkly portrays his fundamental character…

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‘The Big Wheel’

Lowell artist Jeannine Tardiff Condon made this painting of an iconic object in downtown Lowell that is now gone. This image is from a notecard that Jeannine made for sale in her studio at the Brush Gallery and Studios at Market Mills. Excellent in drawing and painting, Jeannine was one…

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Lowell Election Charter program

Last Thursday night I was a part of a panel that discussed the pros and cons of Lowell’s method of electing city councilors and school committee members. The panel was organized and videotaped by Lowell Telecommunications Corp (LTC) and is now available for viewing on LTC’s YouTube channel. Here’s how…

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