Lowell Week in Review: March 12, 2017

Did you remember to move your clock ahead one hour last night? The Lowell Lions Club kindly invited me to give a talk on Lowell history at their Tuesday, March 7, 2017 meeting at the Olympia Restaurant. I spoke about Francis Cabot Lowell, the man for whom this city is…

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The Curse of Double Telephone Poles

The Curse of Double Telephone Poles By Mimi Parseghian If you drive from South Lowell/Lower Highlands towards Downtown there appears to be a demarcation line, where suddenly the streets seem brighter, less congested, and you can see the sky without any obstruction. All the utility wires are underground in the…

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Lowell Week in Review: March 5, 2017

City Census Arrives The City Census arrived in the mail on Friday. Be sure to answer it promptly. Not doings so will result in you being marked “inactive” on the voting list. This annual requirement comes from Massachusetts General Laws chapter 51, section 4 which mandates “an annual street listing…

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New Lowell Book at Mill No. 5 on Saturday

I’ll have my newest book, “Lowell Municipal Elections: 1965-2015” for sale this coming Saturday, March 4, 2017 from noon to 5 p.m. at Mill No. 5’s “Pulp and Press” event. The book contains the results of every city council and school committee race for the past 50 years, plus stories…

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Lowell City Council: February 28, 2017

Vote: To approve the four unranked options for Lowell High. Councilor Elliott moves to forward all four options to the state. But first there are 39 registered speakers to hear from: Chris Meehan of Kearney Drive – keep LHS downtown. Lives in Cawley neighborhood. Predicts putting LHS on Cawley will…

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Lowell Week in Review: February 26, 2017

Lowell High Update Just a couple of procedural notes on the Lowell High project: This coming Monday, February 27, 2017 at 6:30 pm there will be a special meeting of the Lowell City Council in the Mayor’s Reception Room at City Hall. According to the meeting notice, the purpose of…

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