Lowell Week in Review: January 21, 2018

Plastic Bags I suspect everyone knows that plastic bags are harmful to the environment. The very qualities that make them useful – they are lightweight, strong, inexpensive and water proof – also make them a problem. They do not biodegrade which means they do not deteriorate naturally, they only fragment…

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S.-Show in Trumpville

Federal government shut-down shenanigans. Big shout-out to our man on the White House beat, Jonathan Lemire from Lowell of the Associated Press and MSNBC TV, for his crisp, insightful, and informed commentary when paired last night with veteran broadcaster Brian Williams as they followed the folly in the US Senate…

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City Council Meeting Preview: Jan 16, 2018

Mimi Parseghian provides this preview of tomorrow night’s Lowell City Council Meeting This week’s extensive agenda offers a glimpse into what may be an area of concentration for the 2018 – 2019 Lowell City Council.  I am referring to City Councilwoman Karen Cirillo’s five motions.  I appreciate it when an…

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Lowell Week in Review: January 14, 2018

Climate Resiliency I really enjoyed the 50 degree temperatures we had on Friday, even with the rain. Two weeks of sub-freezing and often sub-zero weather was tough to take. I didn’t mind the 12 inches of snow we picked up a week ago Thursday, but the image from that storm…

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