
Pres. Candidate Huntsman’s Daughters at UMass Lowell, 12/19

These young women have drawn attention for their creative campaigning for their dad, including their spoof of the Herman (Who?) Cain man-smoking-a-cigarette political ad. After Mitt Romney’s $10,000 bet with Tex Perry at last night’s debate and Newt’s splurging surge, maybe Jon Huntsman will finally get his 15 minutes in the GOP…

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In the Upper Merrimack Valley: Manchester Union Leader Declares Romney ~ ” Like Father Like Son”

Republishing an old editorial cartoon, the Manchester Union Leader – New Hampshire’s only state-wide newspaper – declares “like father- like son” to describe GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Editorially, the paper has recently endorsed Newt Gingrich’s candidacy in the New Hampshire presidential primary scheduled for January 10, 2012. While declaring they don’t…

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Challenger in the Third Middlesex Senate District: Barrett vs Fargo

The Lowell Sun and other media outlets are reporting on breakingnews that State Senator Susan Fargo will face a primary challenge in 2012 from Democrat Michael Barrett. Fargo represents the Third Middlesex District with includes the communities of  Bedford, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Concord, Lincoln, Waltham, Weston and parts of Sudbury and Lexington. Michael-Barrett…

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“Flat Red Herrings” by John Edward

John Edward, a resident of Chelmsford who earned his master’s degree at UMass Lowell and who teaches economics at Bentley University and UMass Lowell, contributes the following column. How long does it take you to figure out how much federal tax you owe on your income? If your answer is…

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