Another photo and comment by Amy Bisson: During the summer months I hadn’t noticed that there are bicycle racks at the High School on the Lucy Larcom Park side of the old building. Now, with school back in session and students populating the LHS campus, the racks are surprisingly well-used. All…
Fred Faust, the President of The Edge Group, a real estate consulting firm, who was an assistant to US Senator Paul Tsongas, shares the following essay: This is the first in a series about people in the Greater Lowell area who have taken initiative and achieved special things. Feel free…
A poignant moment in the long struggle to uncover and record the grave markers and holdfast the history of the Irish in St. Patrick’s Cemetery as told by Lowell’s Irish historian Dave McKean… The twenty-year commitment may be coming to an end but read this cross-over post from LowellIrish for…
Lowell Walks Thanks to Dave Ouellette for a great tour yesterday in the final Summertime Lowell Walk of 2015. He led the 105 people in attendance up Moody Street, to the Armand Mercier Center on Salem Street, to Decatur Way, and finished inside St. Jeanne Baptiste Church. Along the way,…
A photo and post from Amy Bisson (received last night): There is something about this little park, off to the side of the Lowell’s Downtown bustle that reminds me of Carré St. Louis on Montréal’s Plateau. The layout of the park benches and the garden borders are similar; sadly, though,…
Earlier today on Facebook, Chath Piersath, a writer, poet, teacher, activist, and artist (and farmer in the region), posted a ringing statement about his optimism as a man in America. Chath has contributed to this blog in the past, so I asked him if I could reprint his thoughts here.…
This morning I attended the Inaugural Lowell House, Inc. “Celebrating Recovery” Breakfast at the UML/Inn & Conference Center. The nearly 400 attendees heard Lowell House CEO Bill Garr and from both Governor Charlie Baker and Department of Public Health Commissioner, Dr. Monica Bharel. Garr made it clear that the Lowell…
Amy Bisson shares some observations from her walk in downtown Lowell yesterday: This short path forms a connection between Riverwalk Way and the Lawrence Dam/Lawrence Wasteway. On one side are the Renaissance on the River buildings (formerly Lawrence Manufacturing) and on the other, Perkins Residences/Lofts. What was surprising was the number of…
With all the walking and talking about walking going on in the city, I thought I’d share this poem from 1984, which originally appeared in my book STRONG PLACE: POEMS ’74-’84 and was reprinted in WHAT IS THE CITY? in 2006. In the ’80s, I had a Sunday routine of…
At the New Bedford Whaling Museum yesterday, Rosemary and I found in the gift shop a collectible mug whose design features about 20 memorable first lines of books, including Melville’s “Call me Ishmael.” from MOBY DICK, which is why they had it on sale, but the mug also had “I…