Today’s NYTimes includes an article by Felicia R. Lee about filmmaker Thomas Allen Harris and his Digital Diaspora Family Reunion project. It’s History by another name. Read the article here, and get the NYT if you want more of this kind of reporting.
Lowell Women’s Week – February 27-March 8, 2011 The theme: “Women’s Strength: Achievement, Power and Vision” As the annual celebration – Lowell Women’s Week nears, it’s hard not to reflect on the place of women. Lowell has historically been an important place for women – their rights, working conditions, their…
The Globe has a front-page story today about MoJo, a start-up apparel manufacturer based in Lowell that pays above the minimum wage and provides quality benefits to its employees, including free day care (the company’s name is a combination of “Moms” and “Jobs”). Because of that last item, most of…
The Mobile Pantry of the Merrimack Valley Food Bank provides good food, health info, and social contact for Greater Lowell residents, “many of whom are single elderly women, living alone, economically challenged, and have long term disabilities.” The Mobile Pantry serves more than 320 people, each month bringing 35 pounds of…
NYTimes columnist Bob Herbert keeps beating the drum for his fellow Americans who are suffering most in this stubborn economic downturn. Today, he cites letters written to Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont by people whose lives and faith in the “system” are shaken. Read his thoughts here, and get the…
Nancye Tuttle calls “The Exceptionals” which is at the MRT through March 6, “Funny, poignant, heart-breaking, disturbing” and says it’s a play that shouldn’t be missed. Here’s the setting: Set in the office and waiting room of a prestigious sperm bank, we meet two moms – Gwen and Allie –…
Despite this morning’s snow, all indications are that spring is just around the corner. Once the nice weather arrives, you might want to check out Lowell’s Public Art Collection which is scattered throughout downtown. It’s fitting that a city with the motto “Art is the Handmaid of Human Good” have…
George DeLuca of says get your Jack-hats on for the Kerouac party coming in March, which is previewed in a recent radio interview with grandmaster musician Dave Amram: “There’s a David Amram interview on ‘Blues and Beyond’ radio with Dick Lourie, both of whom will be playing at ‘Jack’s…
Coffee is my beverage of choice. I drink it black with no sugar, a habit I picked up in the army decades ago. At home, I make do with Maxwell House French Roast brewed in a Black and Decker single cup device, but the end product there lags far behind…