Hannah Arendt (web photo courtesy of the L.A. Times) Certain national observers have been saying for some time that America is in a state of emergency, and many of us have felt like that since late 2016. This is no normal time. The policy disruption at the federal level is…
Web photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons We write about a lot of things here, many under the umbrellas of politics and history. There’s no escaping the religious element in our present political moment when ethical questions about fair payment for work done, equal treatment of all persons, humane responses to…
The median American household has only about $12,000 in savings. This quotation is from today’s New York Times, a guest essay on the opposite-editorial page by Caitlin Zaloom about the high cost of a college education and the financial impact on families who are not wealthy. Here’s the essay link…
My friend Renae Lias, a former colleague from UMass Lowell, is reporting on the presidential campaign in New Hampshire. Renae is a communications professional who has worked in state government and on government relations for higher education. She attends local events in N.H. and exchanges updates with a small group…
I told my co-blogger Dick Howe that I would write a series of posts about the 2020 presidential campaign because everything is connected: national-to-local, coast-to-coast, global-to-regional. When I lived in Lowell I walked across Highland Street to the Rogers School, the James P. Scondras Memorial Gymnasium, to vote in every…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. Despite our desire for a Trump-free ten days in Ireland, our President was on too many minds over there. Landing at Shannon Airport, we had to pass the VIP Lounge where just days before Trump and Irish Prime…
Today June 23, 2019 marked the opening of the 49th Annual Celebration Lowell Franco-American Week. Founded in 1970, the celebration emphasizes the Franco-American contributions to the City of Lowell. A variety of events from the City Hall flag raising and traditional dancing to a supper, family Bingo and a Soiree…
What happens in the nation’s capital does matter on the local level, in myriad ways. Peter Wehner served in the Reagan and two Bush presidential administrations. In the Washington Post newspaper, Peter Wehner offers his view of the lying liars occupying the White House at this time.
From the Facebook page of the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi: “Senate Majority Leader McConnell is so obsessed with blocking votes on commonsense solutions passed by the House, he’s taken to calling himself “the Grim Reaper.” But Americans are tired of waiting – they want action…
If You See Something, Say Something It’s Memorial Day weekend. My father, Marcel Marion (1919-1982), born in Lowell, fought the Nazis on the ground in Germany with the US Army in the brutal winter of 1945, the final months of the war in Europe. He knew a fascist when he…