Author Archive

See Change

Linda Hoffman on her blog Apples, Art and Spirit, has a new post on an outdoor art show now on display in Brookline, Massachusetts. Here’s what Linda wrote: For those of you who live in the Greater Boston area, here’s something wonderful to see!  See Change is Studio Without Walls’…

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WPA Tour of Lowell from 1937

The Federal Writers’ Project was a New Deal program that provided jobs to unemployed writers during the Great Depression. The writers produced hundreds of publications including guides to states and cities and a variety of history projects. The best-known product of this effort was the American Guide Series which featured…

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“Summer’s Gone” by Jerry Bisantz

SUMMER’S GONE A short monologue By Jerry Bisantz This monologue is dedicated to my parent’s generation.  The set is bare. Actor enters Center stage in blackout. He begins to sing. ACTOR “When I think of what we wasted it makes me sad… we never ‘preciated the things we had… now…

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From the Archives: June 12, 2009

Here’s a post from eleven years ago as the country was trying to recover from the Great Recession. In the midst of the pandemic and its resulting economic distress, it seems a timely reminder that the old saying “in crisis there is opportunity” applies to city planning too. Is Lowell…

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Pandemic photos from London

Michael Leary-Owhin, London-based photographer and author of Exploring the Production of Urban Space: international comparisons of three post-industrial cities (University of Chicago Press, 2016), a study of Lowell; Manchester, England; and a section of Vancouver, Canada, who we profiled last month on this site, has posted a new batch of…

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Flag Day in Lowell

Today is Flag Day which observes the June 14, 1777, vote by the Second Continental Congress adopting a national flag of the United States which was to be “thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” In…

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Best Back Seat Passenger

Best Back Seat Passenger By Nancye Tuttle My grandson Jack turned 16 on April 4. He’s a tall, handsome kid with a winning smile and friendly personality. Like other Massachusetts 16-year-olds, he couldn’t wait for the big day because it meant one thing — he could get his learner’s permit.…

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