Author Archive

Does your kitchen pass inspection?

It seems that we are constantly bombarded with news that innocuous items in the food supply may pose a threat to our health: tainted eggs, tainted peanut butter, tainted tomatoes, tainted spinach – those are only the ones I remember. Our industrial-style food supply chain certainly creates risks, but what…

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“Bandstand Days” by Nancye Tuttle

With some prompting by Dean Johnson of 980 WCAP, Nancye Tuttle recalls her relationship with American Bandstand on Nancye’s World. Here’s what Nancye wrote: Listening to Dean Johnson interview Freddy “Boom Boom” Cannon today on WCAP took me back to my teen years when I was an American Bandstand fanatic…

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Lowell Trivia Answers

Here are the answers to this week’s Tuesday Trivia questions: 1) How did Fort Hill get its name? • A fortification was built on it by the Native Americans 2) What corporation was formed in 1792 and is the oldest existing company in the United States? • The Proprietors of…

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Tuesday Trivia

This past Saturday I served as the moderator at the Lowell Historical Society’s annual Trivia Night. My job was to ask the questions, alternating between Trivial Pursuit style interrogatories that tested general knowledge, and plenty of Lowell specific questions to test the knowledge of local history in the room. The…

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2010 Ballot Questions

My “Information for Voters” pamphlet from Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin arrived in the mail last week. Among other things, the booklet contains information about the three ballot questions that will appear on the ballot at the November 2, 2010 state election. Here’s a summary of each of the…

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