Charles Cowley – Week 4

In 1868, Lowell resident Charles Cowley wrote the “Illustrated History of Lowell”, a book filled with fascinating facts about our city. Here’s my fourth weekly compilation of “tweeting” from Cowley’s book: June 29 – On October 29, 1727 an earthquake caused walls and chimneys to fall throughout the Merrimack Valley…

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Born on the 4th of July

I  always wished I had been born on the fourth of July…can you just image your birthday being filled with parades, fireworks and barbeques every year?. Who cares that the celebration is not for you…it doesn’t matter. It would be a blast anyway (excuse the pun). Below is a list…

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Another Lowell Connection in Yankee Magazine and Much More

Yankee Magazine arrived the other day. There are a myriad of stories and articles pertaining to summer in New England. Learn the  history and “art of the sail” with Robbie Doyle a Marblehead sailmaker. Follow seasoned kayakers along the Coast of Maine’s Island Trail. Enjoy Rhode Island natives Casey and Garret Roberts’…

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In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which…

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