‘Hot, Hot, Hot’

Walking the dog on the South Common around suppertime for the past few days has been like traversing a stretch of desert. The cut grass on the south slope above the playing field crunches underfoot because it’s so brittle. Someone once described the hillsides in California as being the color of mountain lion…

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Some Interesting Polling Data

Yesterday, Gallop published a compilation of data from several recent USA Today/Gallop polls concerning the Tea Party movement, which can be found here. It’s a rather fascinating look at what the different sections of our political spectrum consider to be “extremely serious threats” to the future of the United States.…

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My constant companions on early morning runs around the neighborhood are dozens of gray squirrels who are furiously digging in every front yard on my route. They mostly ignore me although yesterday I interrupted two in the midst of a date and they scurried off. I don’t do bird feeders,…

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Lowell Trivia Quiz Answers

Here are the answers to the COA  Lowell Trivia quiz – “Do you Remember?” Reminder: it is geared to the senior population. If you are a younger senior your answers could be different. I did tweak some of the answers given in the COA publication. I’m open to discussing the answers.

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Heat Wave

Former UMass Lowell soccer player Danielle Niles, the AM weather reporter on New England Cable News, just told viewers that the temperature in Lowell today will reach 98 degrees with 80 percent humidity (To put that in perspective, the humidity level around here last Friday, a stunning day, was only…

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Keeping Cool

The temperature was in the 90’s yesterday. It is going to be in the 90’s today and tomorrow, then, according to local forecasters, it will cool down to the upper 80’s for the remainder of the week.  So with all this heat and humid around, how do you keep cool?…

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