I’ve already written about the economic and environmental costs of failing to deal with climate change. Both phenomena are well understood and the forecast grows increasingly disheartening. However, there’s a third story, a moral one. I’m not talking about the morality of increased incidence of famine, drought, and disease; those…
Driving home from work tonight I spotted a couple of “Jon Golnik for Congress” signs and one “Chris Doherty for State Senate.” For those of us who’ve been involved in Lowell politics for a while, it may seem early for lawn signs, but that’s because the city used to have…
I was pleased that Massachusetts refused to hand former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling a big taxpayer guaranteed check for his company which, according to today’s Globe, is “a start up that has yet to bring a product to market.” Rhode Island can have him. Hopefully he’ll want to live…
The New York Times is reporting that Massachusetts is one of the states that made it into the group of finalists in a national competition for $3.4 billion in federal financing to support an overhaul of education policies. The Commonwealth joins seventeen other states – Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois,…
The NYT’s Maureen Dowd nails the situation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen in today’s column. How come they’re only good at fighting us? she asks about the vaunted warrior types of those nations who seem maddeningly slow to form up into national armies charged with fighting the insurgents in…
On his blog, which I picked up from truth-out.org, economist Robert Reich dissects the issue of a jobless recovery. He explains why corporate profits are rising in some cases, but still not leading to fresh hiring. Read his blog post here.
E. J. Dionne says the Shirley Sherrod civic car wreck should be enough to wake up the liberals and progressives to the in-your-face tactics of political extremists who are bent on bringing down the Obama administration. No more fake news, no more unfair and unbalanced, no more manufactured conflicts. And if…
Here’s my recap of the 1996 State Election. I’ve added this to our Elections Page for ease of retrieval in the future. Bill Clinton’s reelection led the ballot in 1996. His Republican opponent, Bob Dole, had won his party’s nomination despite finishing second in the Massachusetts Republican Primary that March.…
The Visit . When I saw her gnarled fingers, shaved head, eyes like knots of wood, I didn’t say anything. He waved her out of the room, asked us to sit down, served iced drinks. He talked about ’75 when he worked security at the embassy in Phnom Penh and…
After a little respite local playwright Jack Neary is back blogging. This entry is cross posted from Jack’s own blog, titled Shards. Welcome back Jack. Clearly, I need to work on my blogging. Clearly, I am not a dedicated blogger. It’s good that I have only eight followers, because, clearly,…