Scholar Mason Drukman on Individualism & Community

To support communal feelings, a nation must seek to preserve certain cherished institutions as well as engage in creative innovation; it must value collective responsibility as well as individual incentive; it must espouse goals over and above those of economic self-aggrandizement. If a commitment to the ends of economic individualism…

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Lowell in the Civil War – Lowell Historical Society Program March 27, 2011

  Massachusetts Militia Passing Through Baltimore, an 1861 engraving of the Baltimore riot. Lowell Historical Society Presents a Series on Lowell’s Sixth Regiment in the Civil War and Beyond  Richard P. Howe Jr., the Middlesex North Register of Deeds and a former President of the Lowell Historical Society, will present a two…

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New Trolley Signals in Lowell

New trolley signals are being installed at the corner of Market and Dutton Streets in Lowell by the Park Service. This video explains the work nicely. This video was originally posted by philtheranger New Trolley crossing signage in downtown Lowell, MA. Safety motor vehicles, pedestrians and electric trolleys

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COOL Discover Lowell Kick-Off Event

I’ll bet there are a number of faces you’ll recognize in this video taken at the Discover Lowell Kick-Off Event held by the Cultural Organization of Lowell. This video was originally posted by COOLinLowell The Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL) kicks off its 2011 Discover Lowell Event Series at the…

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