The Final Shuttle Mission

On Friday July 8th, at 11:26AM NASA will launch the space shuttle Atlantis on STS-135, the final shuttle mission. It marks the end of an era that began on April 12, 1981 with the first flight of Columbia. 135 missions later, the United States’ fourth great space program, the successor…

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Patriotic Flash Mob

This is a fun video… 5pm on July 1st, 2011 in Orleans, Cape Cod, MA, shoppers stocking up for the 4th of July got a surprise shot of patriotism to start their weekend! This flash mob was organized by to wish everyone a happy 4th of July!

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Appleton Mills Opens: From Idea to Fact

Congratulations to everyone at Trinity Financial,  City Hall, and in the arts community who helped make the idea of artist housing in the Hamilton Canal District a reality. Here’s the news release from Gov. Patrick’s office about the ribbon-cutting Tuesday at the Appleton Mills artist live-work space project. Once again, cultural-related development is…

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