Medicare Signed Into Law By LBJ – July 30, 1965 reminds us that on this day – July 30, 1965 – President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare – a healthcare insurance plan for elder Americans – into law. The signing ceremony took place at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. At the bill-signing ceremony, Johnson enrolled former President Harry…

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Veteran grave markers discovered

A new homeowner called me today. She, her husband and their son moved into a very nice Lowell home a short time ago. One item that needed attention was the granite front stairs. The mortar holding them in place had eroded and had to be replaced. But when the homeowners…

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Check the archives

The local newspaper today erroneously reports that the remains of Martin Murray, a World War Two aviator from Lowell who was lost when his B-24 crashed in New Guinea in 1943, will be buried this coming Monday at Arlington National Cemetery. As we reported HERE back in April, Lieutenant Murray’s…

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Lowell Visioning Session

Last evening I joined nearly forty others at the Lowell Senior Center for this week’s “visioning session” which was “Community Character and Civic Engagement.” The format was the same as the last session I attended. After a brief review of the city’s Master Plan of 2000, we broke up into…

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