Another Day

The sunrise sky over the Concord River glowed like a tutti-frutti candy cane this morning if you were lucky enough to see the brief display just after 6 a.m. At the South Common it was quiet except for a few people moving through on their way to someplace else. These…

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E. J. Dionne on GOP Pessimism

For all you Superbowl fans and others who’ve seen the Clint Eastwood “Halftime in America” ad , don’t miss Washington Post opinion writer  E. J. Dionne’s take today in “Clint, Rick and the limits of pessimism.” Dionne reminds us that “Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton all understood that Americans…

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The Blizzard of ’78

I don’t want to jinx us, but I realized yesterday that the only time I’ve started my snow blower this winter was in early October when I was making sure that it would start OK. Perhaps I was contemplating snow yesterday because it was the anniversary of the great blizzard…

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National GOP in Disarray; President Obama Consolidating Message, Support, & Resources

Since I’m not a party member, I’ve been watching the Republican presidential nomination contest as an interested audience member—it has been a show, but one with profound consequences. Hearing the morning radio news about former US Sen Rick Santorum winning three states last night confirmed was I was sensing from…

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