‘Hoito’ by Tom Sexton

Another report from the highway by Tom Sexton.—PM “Hoito” by Tom Sexton One of my favorite places when we reach Thunder Bay, Ontario, is a restaurant called the Hoito, the word means “care” in Finnish. It was opened in 1918 on the bottom floor of the Finnish Labor Temple as…

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SNL Tickles Clint

Clint Eastwood arguably gave the most memorable speech at the Republican National Convention. The Hollywood legend addressed Obama using a symbolic empty chair as the President’s surrogate. Eastwood claims the unusual speech was unrehearsed and totally spontaneous. Regardless, it became an immediate “media sensation”. Of course, the people over at…

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Romney, 47% Dependent on Government

Here is the audio of Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney saying 47% of Americans are too dependent on the government. According to Politico Romney defended his statement saying, “…the video didn’t fully capture his views or his entire comments about personal responsibility and the role of government in society.” You…

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