
Is it me getting less patient with uncomfortable weather or have we had an unusually long run of hot and/or swampy days in the valley? A news feature on TV this week reported on bats being hyper-active because of the extended stretch of hot days. I had a deja vu…

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Mill City Toastmasters Club

The ability to speak well in public is critically important in many lines of work. An established organization devoted to improving such skills, Toastmasters International, now has a club in Lowell. The Mill City president, Dan Barrett, sent me some information about the local chapter and extends the following invitation…

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Tornado Watch

As the skies darkened yesterday afternoon, my cell phone began buzzing with alerts from the National Weather Service. Here they are: 3:36 pm – Tornado Watch in effect for Middlesex County, MA until 9 pm 5:27 pm – Flash Flood Warning for Middlesex County, MA until 8:30 pm 6:24 pm…

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