In 1995, the Lowell Historic Preservation Commission, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, published Lowell Then and Now: Restoring the Legacy of a Mill City by Charles Parrott, longtime historic architect at the LHPC and then Lowell National Historical Park, with contemporary photographs by Gretchen Sanders Joy, a planner at the LHPC.—PM…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. Attorney General Martha Coakley told a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce breakfast Wednesday that government’s role is not to pick business winners and losers but to create a competitive environment conducive to the development of new ideas and…
MassMoments reminds us today that when Asa Mercer of Seattle set out to recruit young women of good character to travel to the Northwest and fill the need for teachers in the Washington Territory, he came first to Lowell, Massachusetts. Why New England? Why Lowell? His reasoning was pretty straightforward:…
Jim Sampas grew up on Wilder Street in the Highlands. His aunt Stella married Jack Kerouac in the 1960s. These days, Jim is a producer of music recordings and movies, the latest project being a feature film based on Kerouac’s 1962 novel “Big Sur.” The movie premiered at the Sundance…
Another excerpt from John Greenleaf Whittier’s “The Stranger in Lowell” (1843).—PM . “As a matter of course, in a city like this, composed of all classes of our many-sided population, a great variety of religious sects have their representatives in Lowell. The young city is dotted over with ‘steeple houses,’…
In response to my request earlier today for a correspondent to report on tonight’s meeting on the future of the Rourke Bridge and vicinity, someone kindly took up my offer and sent the following: The subject of tonight’s meeting was the many intersections in the area, what the current status…
Tonight is the informational meeting on the Rourke Bridge, Wood Street, Westford Street and Drum Hill Road Corridor Study and Feasibility Analysis. This public meeting – i.e., open to everyone – goes from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at Lowell General Hospital’s Clark Auditorium, 295 Varnum Avenue, Lowell, MA. Due…
Ivy, our Yellow Lab, turns 5 years old today. The photo above is from this morning. Despite the temperature of only 1 degree, she still wanted to go for a walk but the human side of that equation thought better of it.
2nd Annual Chili Contest! SATURDAY, JANUARY 26. 12 – 4 PM (Snow: Sunday, January 27, 12 – 4) Vote for your favorite chili and let your tastebuds be heard! $10.00 – Tickets at the Brush Gallery Proceeds to support our Special Perspectives Art Program for developmentally delay adults. Click here to learn…
Father Matt Malone, S. J. The editor-in-chief of the highly-regarded Jesuit magazine “America” – Matt Malone, S. J. – has deep ties to Lowell, Massachusetts. For a few years he was an aide to Congressman Marty Meehan. His Lowell experience made a lasting imprression as we can see by the…