This is the third in a series of posts showing some historical data from the 2011 city election. Each post shows how one candidate on the ballot in the 2013 city election performed in the 2011 election. Since neither 2011 third place finisher Kevin Broderick nor fourth place finisher Patrick…
The Lowell Sun (also known as Lowell Publishing Company) finalized the sale of its headquarters at the American Textile History Museum on Dutton Street today by conveying the remaining portion of its premises (Unit 1 a/k/a the “Lowell Sun Unit”) to Manchester Property Group LLC of Shrewsbury for $1,300,000. The…
Congratulations to City Manager Bernie Lynch, his fiscal team, and the city councilors who have supported them on the recent upgrade of the city of Lowell’s bond rating by Standard and Poor and Moody’s. These ratings agencies recognize and acknowledge, as many of us do, the wisdom of the city’s…
September 2, 2013 – Monday – Labor Day Holiday September 3, 2013 – Tuesday 1 Nelson Ave for $159,000. Prior sale in 1972 for $16,000 September 4, 2013 – Wednesday 30 Wollaston St for $219,000. Prior sale in 2006 for $315,000 52 Mt Hope St Unit 2 for $118,000. Prior…
The New Yorker magazine’s online site has posted a thoughtful article by Ian Sheffler in which the writer examines the possibility that head injuries from his football days may explain some of the health and emotional disorders that plagued author Jack Kerouac as an adult. Read the article here. Jack…
Professor Bob Forrant of UMass Lowell writes about history and economics with a special interest in older industrial cities like Lawrence, Holyoke, Lowell, and the other so-called Gateway Cities of Massachusetts and the Northeast. He recently published an article about Lawrence that looks closely at the city’s prospects and challenges.…
With all the local “bike talk” – it’s fitting that Mass Moments reminds us that on this day September 6, 1882, the Boston Wheelmen’s Association kicked off the nation’s first 100-mile bicycle race – entrants raced from Worcester to Boston. As home to the nation’s first bicycle club, first race, first indoor riding rinks, and…
Last night I came across a website devoted to skyscrapers and urban architecture in general that had some terrific photos of Lowell buildings. I posed a link on Facebook and that got a lot of attention, so I’m reposting here. Check out “The City that won’t die – Lowell, Mass”
UMass Lowell News Release: Sept. 4, 2013 Contacts: Nancy Cicco, 978-934-4944 or or Christine Gillette, 978 934-2209 or Boston Mayor Tom Menino to Speak at UMass Lowell: Lunchtime Lecture Series to feature iconic official, health-care, media topics LOWELL, Mass. – The Honorable Thomas Menino – a national champion for cities and…
This is the second in a series of posts showing some historical data from the 2011 city election. Each post shows how one candidate on the ballot in the 2013 city election performed in the 2011 election. The information presented below is organized as follows: Column 1 – Ward and…