“The Debate Begins” by Robert Gignac

I’m pleased to announce that Robert Gignac has agreed to become a contributor to this site by submitting blog posts from time to time on a variety of issues. Here’s his first: Last week, OMR Architects presented the following information to the Facility Subcommittee (Chair Jim Leary, Kristin Ross-Sitcawich and…

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I borrowed this title from Joe Donahue’s poem sequence about JFK in his 1989 book Before Creation. I imagine a drawer in an old bureau in the cellar or attic filled with collectibles from the Kennedy years. Campaign pins, scrapbooks, LIFE magazine issues. I still have in my office at…

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[youtube]eih67rlGNhU[/youtube] Someone once joked to me that walking through downtown Lowell was like visiting a casting call for Les Miserables. That was twenty years ago. I’m not sure how much has changed. It’s really in the nature of cities to attract all kinds of people, from the very well off…

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