Lowell week in review: February 16, 2014

The most important event of the week to me was the presentation at last Tuesday’s city council meeting by John Power of Farley White on the status of the former Wang manufacturing facility at 1001 Pawtucket Boulevard that his firm purchased in January for $15.5 million. Power has a long…

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Lowell’s Forgotten Finds ~ The Box of Cinders

  As newly appointed Curator Ryan Owens  delves more into the Lowell Historical Society’s old and diverse collection, he will be reporting about the oddities and curiosities that abound. This is a cross-post from the LHS blog site about the Curator’s latest find. http://www.lowellhistoricalsociety.org/blog/ From the Curator’s Desk: Odd Old Things –…

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Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) To Meet ~ Saturday February 15, 2014

Reminder ~ the next GLAD Meeting this coming  SATURDAY! The next regular breakfast meeting of Greater Lowell Area  Democrats (GLAD ) will be this coming  Saturday February 15, 2014 at 8:00 AM SHARP! back in our usual location in the Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel Rte. 110 in Chelmsford. Please join us at this meeting…

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