Peter Aucella receives Community Spirit Award

A large crowd gathered at Lenzi’s Mill House last evening to honor Peter Aucella who received the Thomas G. Kelakos Community Spirit Award from the Kiwanis Club of Greater Lowell. Aucella, who has been a fixture in Lowell for three decades, may be the one person most responsible for Lowell…

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Community Assets

The machinery of justice grinds on in the dispute between the National Park Service and Enel Green Power North America over the future condition of the scenic and significant Pawtucket Dam at the falls on the Merrimack River in northern Lowell. The custodians of our country’s heritage treasures are trying…

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Congresswoman Tsongas hosts Secretary of Veterans Services in Lowell

Congresswoman Niki Tsongas convened a meeting of her Veterans Advisory Council yesterday with special guest Coleman Nee who has been the Commonwealth’s Secretary of Veterans Services since 2009. More than 30 veterans, many of them veterans service officers in Lowell and other Third Congressional District communities, attended the meeting. Congresswoman…

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The Forstye Saga…Great TV

I often google …“best streaming TV series on Netflix”.  Fortunately, this phase has led me to many excellent hours of quality TV viewing.  One such series is a 2002 production titled The Forstye Saga. I’ve had this PBS production in my queue for at least a year, but despite its four…

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City Council Meeting, March 18, 2014

Suspension of Rules HR Director Mary Callery reports to council on interview arrangements. She’s still waiting to hear from two candidates who are trying to fit their schedules. Four candidates are scheduled. She does say that Robert Bruner, the candidate from Michigan, is scheduled for 6pm on March 25. She’s…

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