Kevin Murphy: The Right Choice

Every Lowell City Councilor is a unique individual with unique passions and priorities. That said, in the action-packed first three months of this term, several coalitions seem to have developed. First, you have Mayor Rodney Elliott and Councilors Rita Mercier, Corey Belanger and Dan Rourke who seem to be aligned…

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Kevin Murphy new Lowell City Manager

Lowell City Council Special Meeting, March 31, 2014 Selection and appointment of City Manager City Auditor update Motion to suspend the rules relative to City Auditor search. Passes. Another candidate dropped out leaving only one applicant. Councilor Milinazzo moves that the council reopen the search, allow the one remaining finalist…

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Lowell Conference on Industrial History

From 1980 through 1993, community partners in Lowell, including the National Park Service and University, hosted 12 gatherings of scholars in the name of the Lowell Conference on Industrial History. At least three volumes of conference proceedings were published. The regular meeting of teachers, students, historians, architects, preservation advocates, sociologists,…

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