CTI’s Secure Jobs Initiative

In the public and nonprofit sectors, aid to those without jobs and to those who are homeless are typically provided by separate agencies with little coordination. But in reality, joblessness is one of the leading causes of homelessness so it stands to reason that helping formerly homeless people get and…

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Lowell 2014 Green Building Excellence Award

At last Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the Lowell Green Building Commission award its 2014 Green Building Excellence Award: Chris Gleba and Kris Erikson for their renovations of 48 Epping Street (Mark Yanowitz of Verdeco Design, architect). Julia Hans, a member of the Commission, wrote a blog post about the renovations…

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Remembering ~ Vietnam Veterans Arrested on Lexington Green ~ May 30, 1971

Today Mass Moments brings us a history-making event from 1971… it took place on the iconic Lexington Green. It highlights a past that flows into the present… protests of war and foreign involvement persist today. The fall-out of war – treatment of our veterans – was a post-Vietnam issue and it is a issue of controversy…

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City Council Meeting: May 27, 2014

Moment of silence for Ed Trudel, former Lowell Special Events Coordinator who died on Saturday. Lowell Green Building Commission award for “green building excellence” to Chris Gleba and Kris Erikson, owners of an 1895 property at 48 Epping Street that was recently renovated. Vote authorizing CM to execute a lease…

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