City of Lowell Census arrives: Important!

An envelope from the City of Lowell was waiting in my mailbox today.  On the outside, it says PLEASE OPEN IMMEDIATELY RETURN BY MARCH 9, 2015 The enclosed form is pretty simple.  You just have to make corrections to the names, gender, date of birth and occupation of members of…

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Lowell Week in Review: March 1, 2015

Welcome to March Well March is finally here.  I saw somewhere that March 1st signals the start of “meteorological spring” but today’s forecast is for more snow which will just add to the beauty of the 111+ inches that have already fallen this winter. The City Council, at its Tuesday…

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Civic Stirrings in the City

I’m encouraged by the evidence of civic activism around different interests in Lowell. Almost overnight, a group emerged with shared interest in the upcoming design changes around the Lord Overpass and Thorndike-Dutton corridor. For a while now there’s been a coalition of folks who care about bike-riding and how the…

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‘Hibiscus Lane’

It is still freakin’ cold out there, so I’m posting another Caribbean composition from the vault.—PM . Hibiscus Lane 1. One nimble gecko scaling a mosquito net remains the only lizard we’ve seen in a week on the island whose old name, Hewanorra, means “where the iguana is found.” Purple…

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“Mass Senate Listening Session” by Nancy Pitkin

Nancy Pitkin is a regular contributor to  She attended the Massachusetts State Senate’s “Listening Session” in Lawrence recently and submitted the following report: On Monday, February 23, 2015 we attended the Massachusetts State Senators “Listening Session” in Lawrence. It was the fourth of eight state wide forums being held…

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Transportation Subcommittee Meeting: Feb 24, 2015

Tonight I attended the Lowell City Council Transportation Subcommittee meeting on the Lord Overpass project.  In attendance were six or seven representatives of VHB, the engineering firm hired by the state to oversee this project.  Also in attendance were more than 30 Lowell residents, most representing groups or constituencies with…

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