The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. It’s that time of year: movie time. The industry wants its best products out before the New Year to compete in the Oscars. The only question for my husband, my sister and me is whether to go to…
Lowell as a Regional Christmas Attraction Kevin Harkins did an outstanding job capturing the allure of the mammoth Christmas tree smokestack at the Wannalancit Mills on his Harkins Photo Blog. John Power, a principal of Farley White Interests, the outfit that owns the Wannalancit Mills, had hoped to persuade others…
As a graduate of St. Margaret’s School (class of 1972), I took particular interest in the news of the merger of St. Margaret’s and Lowell Catholic High School to form a pre-K through grade 12 school beginning next fall. Here is the press release that delivered that announcement: Lowell Catholic…
By Jim Peters The title is taken from Paul Tsongas’ campaign booklet, “A Call to Economic Arms,” which was written in 1991 for the 1992 election for the Presidency of the United States. In the book, Paul did something that no one has done as well since, he wrote out…
The following real estate sales took place in Lowell this week: December 21, 2015 – Monday 35 Riverwalk Way Unit 310 for $180,000. Prior sale in 2005 for $248,000 208 High St Unit 1 for $77,500. Prior sale 2015 foreclosure 263-265 Wilder St for $265,000. Prior sale in 2007 for…
Each week on Sunday morning I post a “week in review” article. Sometimes there are some items that don’t fit, either for space or thematic reasons. This article, called “leftovers,” is a random collection of observations from the weekend and the prior week. MBTA Commuter Rail Friday morning I had…
Save the date if you are a fan of The Brush Art Gallery & Studios and the Lowell cultural renaissance. On Saturday, January 16, at 1 pm, the Brush Gallery is hosting a panel discussion about the roots of this amazing arts project that will begin its 35th year in…
Will Tour Bus Parking Plan get bogged down? Back on December 9, 2015, representatives from the city’s Planning and Development Department appeared before the Conservation Commission on the proposed National Park tour bus parking area on LRTA property on YMCA Drive for a “determination of applicability” under the state’s Wetlands…
Web image by anthony92931 courtesy of commons.wikimedia Along with Henri Marchand’s “fruitcake” essay and my “Oranges at Christmas” essay, the re-appearance of this poem has become part of the Christmas tradition for our blog. I wrote the first draft of this poem in 1976, and worked on it on-and-off for a long…
The following real estate sales took place in Lowell last week: December 14, 2015 – Monday 147 Bunker Hill AVe for $237,000. Prior sale in 1957 39 Plummer Ave for $265,000. Prior sale in 2004 for $315,000 December 15, 2015 – Tuesday 140 Bowers St Unit 9 for $159,900. Prior…